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  The GOP Tax Scam: A Bad Deal for Working Families  
Dear [firstname]

Last week in Congress, Republicans unveiled their tax plan and they are once again putting their wealthy friends ahead of hardworking middle class families in Massachusetts. Their tax plan was written in secret behind closed doors without any input from Democrats, instead of bringing a bipartisan bill to the floor that will actually help Americans.

In fact, a new report found that nearly 38 million middle class households would be hit with a tax hike under the Republican plan. This tax plan gives trillions to big corporations that ship jobs overseas instead of investing in middle class families and small businesses which help fuel our economy.

Here’s a look at the specific proposals in the Republican budget and tax plan:

• Raise Taxes on Millions of Middle Class Families – 38 million middle class households face a tax hike.

• Slash Taxes for Wealthiest & Corporations, Explodes Deficit – the GOP hands the wealthiest 1 percent nearly 50 percent of the tax cuts, while sticking our children with the bill.

• Give Tax Break to Corporations Shipping American Jobs Overseas – driving down American wages & salaries.

• GOP Budget Will Ransack Medicare & Medicaid – while giving $1.5 trillion tax rate cut to corporate America, GOP budget cuts $1.5 trillion from Medicare & Medicaid.

• Dismantle the State and Local Tax Deduction – imposing an unfair double tax on middle class families, driving down home values, and endangering local governments’ ability to fund law enforcement, schools and health services.

• Eliminate Student Loan Interest Deduction & Lifetime Learning Credits – destroying a key deduction for young graduates and workers getting the job training they need to succeed in the 21st century economy, while preserving special giveaways for the wealthiest.

• Eliminate Medical Expense Deduction – destroying a key deduction claimed by nearly 9 million American households, which helps families with children with disabilities, long-term care needs, a need for expensive fertility treatments, and many others.

• Impose New Limit on Mortgage Interest Deduction – assaulting the dream of middle class homeownership in communities across America

Republicans themselves even admit this tax plan isn’t about growing the economy, it’s about helping their wealthy campaign donors. Congressman Chris Collins said “My donors are basically saying, ‘Get it done or don’t ever call me again.’ And Senator Lindsay Graham said “the financial contributions will stop” if Republicans don’t pass their tax plan.

Congress is supposed to answer to the American people, not the highest bidder.

Our families deserve real, bipartisan tax reform that puts the middle class first, not a middle class nightmare that raises taxes on 38 million households. I will continue to speak out for commonsense tax reform that strengthens our communities.

That’s how we can grow our economy, help create new jobs, and build a brighter future where everyone has a chance to succeed.

James P. McGovern
Member of Congress




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