Statement by U.S. Representatives Jim McGovern and Norma Torres in Response to Proposed Law on Foreign Donations to Salvadoran NGOs and Non-Profits

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WASHINGTON -- Today, United States Representatives James P. McGovern (D-MA) and Norma Torres (D-CA) released the following statement in Response to a Proposed Law on Foreign Donations to Salvadoran NGOs and Non-Profits: "We are deeply concerned by the draft law proposed in El Salvador that would require non-governmental organizations (NGOs) and other groups receiving foreign…

McGovern Statement on Widespread Protests in Cuba

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WORCESTER, MASS. —Today, Congressman James P. McGovern, Chairman of the House Rules Committee and Co-Chair of the Tom Lantos Human Rights Commission, released the following statement in response to widespread protests in Cuba: “The Cuban government must respect the right of the Cuban people to peacefully and legitimately protest. Yet even though the U.S. has repeatedly stated that…

McGovern Statement on Biden Administration Voting Against UN General Assembly Resolution Calling For U.S. To End Economic Embargo on Cuba

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WASHINGTON – U.S. Congressman James P. McGovern (D-MA), Chairman of the House Rules Committee and Co-Chair of the Tom Lantos Human Rights Commission, released the following statement in response to the Biden administration’s vote against a United Nations General Assembly resolution calling for the U.S. to end its decades-long economic embargo on Cuba: “I am incredibly disappointed by…

McGovern Calls on Russian Government to Release Wrongfully Imprisoned Opposition Leader Alexei Navalny

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WASHINGTON – Congressman James P. McGovern, Co-Chair of the Tom Lantos Human Rights Commission in the U.S. House of Representatives and a leading advocate of human rights around the world, issued the following statement in response to reports that the health of Alexei Navalny, wrongfully imprisoned Russian opposition leader, is deteriorating: “I am distressed by reports of Alexei…

Chairman McGovern Opens Debate to Send Historic Rescue Plan to President Biden

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WASHINGTON, DC — Today, Rules Committee Chairman James P. McGovern (D-MA) today opened debate on the rule for the Senate-passed American Rescue Plan Act to get this historic bill to President Biden’s desk for his signature. This legislation will help crush the coronavirus, return children safely to the classroom, get vaccines to the people, put dollars into families’ pockets, and…

McGovern, Congressional Leaders Applaud Biden Administration’s Commitment to Ending Endless Wars, Call for Congressional Action

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Washington, D.C. — Today, Representatives James P. McGovern, Chair of the House Rules Committee, Barbara Lee (D-CA), Adam Schiff (D-CA), Jim McGovern (D-MA), Gregory Meeks (D-NY) and Anthony Brown (D-MD) applauded the Biden Administration’s recent support for reining in executive war power. The lawmakers, who urged Biden on his first full day in office to…

McGovern Condemns the Coup d’état in Burma and Calls for Top-to-Bottom Review of U.S. Policy

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WASHINGTON, D.C. – Congressman James P. McGovern, Chairman of the House Rules Committee and a leading congressional advocate for human rights, issued the following statement on the military coup d’état in Burma (Myanmar) and the related detention of State Counselor Aung San Suu Kyii, President U Win Myint and an unknown number of other civilians: “I am appalled but not surprised by the…

McGovern Calls on Biden to Restore and Repair U.S. – Cuban Relations

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WASHINGTON, D.C. – Congressman James P. McGovern (D-MA), Chairman of the House Rules Committee and a senior member of the House Agriculture Committee, has sent a letter to President-elect Joe Biden asking him to restore and repair relations between the United States and Cuba.  Full Text of Letter Here (PDF) McGovern has been a longtime advocate of normalizing relations with Cuba.…

McGovern Statement on Trump Administration Naming Cuba a State Sponsor of Terrorism

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WASHINGTON, D.C. – Today, Congressman James P. McGovern, Chairman of the House Rules Committee and Co-Chair of the Tom Lantos Human Rights Commission, issued this statement following the Trump administration’s decision to name Cuba a state sponsor of terror: “In yet another stupid and self-defeating move, Donald Trump has, without basis, designated Cuba as a State Sponsor of Terrorism.…