McGovern Leads House Democrats in Push to Stop GOP Attack on Womens Health that Risks Another Shutdown

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Today, Congressman Jim McGovern (MA-02), the second-highest ranking Democrat on the House Rules Committee, managed floor debate for House Democrats on H.R. 3134 and H.R. 3504, calling out House Republicans for their reckless attempt to defund Planned Parenthood and risk another government shutdown. Watch video of Congressman’s floor speech here. Highlights from Congressman…

On House Floor, McGovern Calls Hunger a Solvable Issue Key to Supporting Healthy Families

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Today, Congressman Jim McGovern (MA-02) spoke on the House floor to highlight the connection between addressing hunger in the United States – impacting 49 million Americans – and supporting healthy families. McGovern recognized Massachusetts organizations like Worcester County Food Bank, Community Harvest Project, and Community Servings for their efforts to treat hunger as a…

PHOTO: McGovern Joins House Democrats to Celebrate 50th Anniversary of Medicare and Medicaid

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  Today, Congressman Jim McGovern (MA-02) released the following statement on the 50th anniversary of Medicare and Medicaid. At a ceremony celebrating the anniversary today, Congressman McGovern joined House Democratic Leader Nancy Pelosi, House Democrats, and former Congressman John Dingell, who played a leading role in the push to establish Medicare and Medicaid in 1965. Numbers:…

McGovern Joins Mass. Delegation in Call for Greater Access to Opioid Overdose Prevention Treatment

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In a letter sent today to the U.S. Department of Health and Human Services (HHS), Congressman Jim McGovern (MA-02) joined eight members of the Massachusetts Congressional delegation in calling on the agency to take action to support broader access to the opioid overdose prevention treatment, naloxone. There has been much documented success preventing fatalities with the use of naloxone…

Congressman McGovern Applauds Todays Supreme Court Ruling in King V. Burwell Case

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Today, Congressman Jim McGovern (MA-02) released the following statement regarding the Supreme Court’s decision in the King v. Burwell case: “Today is a major victory, ensuring that millions of Americans across the country will continue to have access to high-quality, affordable health care like we do in Massachusetts. Massachusetts was proud to lead the way in health care…

U.S. Congressman Jim Mcgovern (Ma02) Opening Statement on Hr 596

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I rise in strong opposition to this closed rule and to the underlying bill. Here we are again, back on the House floor with yet another pointless attempt by the Republican Majority to repeal the Affordable Care Act. Today’s exercise in time-wasting gamesmanship marks the 56th time that we have been down this well-traveled road. If Republicans get their way, real people would see real benefits taken away.

Rep. McGovern's comments on the "fundamentally wrong...cruel" Ryan budget:

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I thank the gentleman from Georgia for yielding me the customary 30 minutes. I ask unanimous consent to revise and extend my remarks and I yield myself 8 minutes. M. Speaker, budgets are moral documents. These annual documents are really statements of who we are as political parties and groups.  They represent our values. They tell a story about what we believe in and how we would…

U.S. Rep. McGovern announces Department of Health & Human Services Grants for Family Health Center, Clark University

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United States Representative Jim McGovern announced two federal grants from the Department of Health and Human Services for Worcester organizations today. The Family Health Center of Worcester received $367,630 to continue funding of their Health Center Cluster, while a study at Clark University on Postpartum Mental Health among Visible and Invisible Minority Women will be funded for $718,722 over the next three and a half years.