U.S. Rep. McGovern: President Obama's troop drawdown announcement "insufficient"

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-The drawdown of American forces that the President announced tonight is insufficient. The President is right that we need to shift our strategy in Afghanistan. But a counter-terrorism strategy doesn't need 70,000 boots on the ground, any more than it needed 100,000 boots on the ground. What the president needs to tell us is how - and when - he's going to bring all the troops home.…

U.S. Rep McGovern joins bipartisan coalition in letter to President urging significant troop withdrawal

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"A token drawdown of a few thousand troops is not acceptable. The American people - and, increasingly, the Congress - are demanding more fundamental change in our policy," said Congressman Jim McGovern. "We will continue to make the point that instead of nation-building in Afghanistan, we need to do some more nation-building right here at home."

Congressman McGovern's Statement on McGovern-Jones Amendment

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"Today's strong bipartisan vote represents a huge step forward in the effort to bring the war in Afghanistan to a close. I hope the President recognizes that there is a growing consensus in Congress and the country that our policy needs to change. Last year, I offered a similar amendment that got 162 votes - in a Democratic House." View House Clerk's vote totals…

Congressman McGovern's statement on Osama bin Laden

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"Like all Americans, I felt great relief and a sense of gratitude as I listened to the President's announcement about the death of Osama bin Laden. I extend my heartfelt congratulations to all the men and women in our intelligence and military operations who have labored for a decade to carry out this mission. Let us remember those who lost their lives on 9/11. My thoughts…

McGovern joins colleagues urging Rep. King to focus on all terrorist extremism

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Dear Chairman King: We are writing regarding the Homeland Security Committee's upcoming hearings, which you have stated will focus exclusively on radicalization among Muslim Americans and homegrown terrorism. We agree that Congress and all levels of government have a duty to protect America from terrorism, whether from abroad or homegrown. We are, however, deeply concerned that the…

Congressman McGovern Joins Bipartisan Letter to President on Eve of Nato Meeting on Afghanistan

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Ten bipartisan members of the House, led by U.S. Rep. Jim McGovern (D-MA) and U.S. Rep. Walter Jones (R-NC) sent a letter to President Obama expressing their -grave concerns- about the course of U.S. policy in Afghanistan. The letter came on the eve of the President's trip to Lisbon for a NATO meeting. The text of the letter follows: Dear Mr. President, We write to you, Mr.…