U.S. Rep. McGovern calls for political reform and rejection of violence in Bahrain

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U.S. REP. JIM MCGOVERN CALLS FOR POLITICAL REFORM AND REJECTION OF VIOLENCE IN BAHRAIN As the Bahraini opposition plans a major demonstration for this Friday, Congressman Jim McGovern (D-MA) called on the Bahraini government to allow Bahrainis to gather peaceably and express their political views. He urged both the Bahraini government and the Bahraini opposition to reject the use of…

U.S. Rep. McGovern: World is too silent on Sudan as it bombs, kills, arrests, rapes its own citizens

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James P. McGovern (MA) 5-Minute Special Order Wednesday, February 29, 2012 TOO SILENT ON SUDAN M. Speaker, once again, the world is standing by, silent and passive, while the Government of Sudan wages war on its own people. We have been here before, M. Speaker, when hundreds of thousands of people perished in Darfur before the international community finally woke up and…

Tom Lantos Human Rights Commission Co-Chairmen Condemn Massive Human Rights Abuses by the Syrian Government and Call on the United Nations to Place Strong Pressure on the Assad Regime to Stop the Violence

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Tom Lantos Human Rights Commission Co-Chairmen Condemn Massive Human Rights Abuses by the Syrian Government and Call on the United Nations to Place Strong Pressure on the Assad Regime to Stop the Violence Tom Lantos Human Rights Commission Co-Chairmen James P. McGovern (D-MA) and Frank R. Wolf (R-VA) today strongly condemned the Syrian government for continuing to commit massive…

U.S. Rep. McGovern denounces Bahraini government's use of force to prevent citizens from assembling

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For Immediate Release Congressman James P. McGovern (D-MA) denounced the Bahraini government's use of force to prevent Bahrainis from assembling yesterday in commemoration of the one-year anniversary of the outbreak of major demonstrations in Bahrain. Bahraini security forces yesterday used tear gas, armored personnel carriers, and other forceful means to block Bahrainis from…

U.S. Rep. Jim McGovern: Statement on Bahrain

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Congressman James P. McGovern (D-MA) today urged the Bahraini government to allow Bahrainis to assemble and express their political views on February 14 in commemoration of the one-year anniversary of the outbreak of major demonstrations in Bahrain. Congressman McGovern also urged the Bahraini security forces and Bahraini protesters to refrain from the use of violence on the…

U.S. Rep. Jim McGovern: Boston Globe OpEd on Two Years of Citizens United

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The following OpEd, cowritten with Free Speech for People co-founder Jeff Clements, appeared in the Boston Globe on Saturday January 21st. "THE FIRST three words of the preamble of our Constitution are -We the People.'' Two years ago today the US Supreme Court in Citizens United v. Federal Election Commission upended that promising vision. Corporations — which do not…

U.S. Rep. Jim McGovern: Statement on SOPA

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"While internet piracy is an issue that should be addressed, HR 3261 (SOPA), as written is unwise, unfair, and against what I believe are fundamental rights for all Americans. I plan on voting against the current legislation, although the GOP is now indicating that they will not bring SOPA to the floor for a vote at all."

Tom Lantos Human Rights Commission Co-Chairmen Call for Immediate and Unconditional Release of Gao Zhisheng

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Tom Lantos Human Rights Commission Co-Chairmen Call for Immediate and Unconditional Release of Gao Zhisheng Following news reports that Chinese human rights lawyer Gao Zhisheng was returned to prison, Tom Lantos Human Rights Commission Co-Chairmen Frank R. Wolf (R-VA) and James P. McGovern (D-MA) today called for his immediate and unconditional release. Gao, a tireless advocate…

Pelosi, McGovern Members of Congress Send Letter to President Santos of Colombia

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Pelosi, McGovern Members of Congress Send Letter to President Santos of Colombia Democratic Leader Nancy Pelosi and seven Members of Congress sent a letter to President Juan Manuel Santos of Colombia this week thanking him for his commitment to address labor rights in Colombia and establishing a Congressional Monitoring Group on Labor Rights in Colombia that will work with the…