Congressman McGovern on the House's Modified Version of the Health Insurance Reform Bill

Dear Friend,

As you know, the leadership in the House of Representatives recently introduced a modified version of the health insurance reform bill. There have been several important modifications to the legislation. For example, the modified bill begins to close the so-called Medicare prescription drug benefit -donut hole- immediately. I've included several links here that I hope you will find helpful, including a link to the full text of the modified bill:

It's important to note that doing nothing is not -free.- Failure to reform our broken system will result in more people losing their insurance, more businesses being forced to drop coverage, more bankruptcies caused by health care crises, higher premiums, and a crushing federal debt. In other words, failure is not a viable option.

Thank you for your interest in this critical issue. I look forward to hearing your thoughts and concerns as this process moves forward.


Jim McGovern