Reps. McGovern and Frank Announce Funding to Hire more Police Officers; Over $2 Million to Fall River

U.S. Reps. Barney Frank (D-MA) and Jim McGovern (D-MA) today applauded the U.S. Department of Justice for awarding $2,117,220 to the City of Fall River under the COPS program. Fall River will use this funding, under the American Recovery and Reinvestment Act -- the so-called -stimulus bill- -- to employ 10 police officers.

The grants will provide 100 percent of the approved salary and benefits for entry level officer positions over a three year period. Police departments receiving the grants will then be required to retain the grant funded positions for a fourth year. The funding provides much needed support to state and local government budgets, and will help the nation's law enforcement agencies add and retain the manpower needed to fight crime more effectively through community policing.

-This is great news for Fall River,- Rep. McGovern said. -This is exactly the kind of thing the stimulus bill was intended to fund. During these tough economic times, cities and towns are having a hard time maintaining services, including law enforcement. I'm pleased that the Department of Justice is assisting Fall River to maintain public safety.-

-This is further evidence of the benefits of the economic recovery bill,- said Congressman Frank. -Earlier this year, I debated the merits of including COPS funding with my Republican colleagues, Senator Ensign and Congressman Pence. They did not believe it would have an impact on public safety layoffs. But I told them that New Bedford and Fall River were being forced to lay off policemen.-

-I am extremely pleased that these grants will allow the cities of New Bedford and Fall River to rehire some of the officers who were laid off,- continued Congressman Frank. I want to thank the police unions who have worked so hard with me to make this happen. And I am particularly proud that Fall River and New Bedford received two of the three highest grant awards in Massachusetts.-

-I am thrilled to hear about this award. As soon as the grant allows, we will put cops back on the street,- said Mayor Robert Correia of Fall River. -Thank you to our congressional delegation for their tireless support and advocacy on behalf of Fall River residents.-

The funding announced today totals over $1 billion nationwide, and will make possible the hiring of 4,699 officers.

The COPS grants program had been originally passed under the Clinton administration. Over a period of several years, the Bush administration gradually cut funding for the COPS program until it had been completely eliminated in FY 2007. Democrats reversed this trend when they became the majority in 2007, passing a new COPS bill which then stalled in the Senate.

When police departments all over the country experienced extreme budgetary pressure this year, Congress responded by including targeting funding for police departments in the stimulus bill.