Kerry, Brown & Massachusetts Delegation: President Moves Swiftly to Issue Disaster Declaration for Massachusetts

May 3, 2010

Water pipe rupture causing severe hardship for families, businesses

Senators John Kerry and Scott Brown, together with Congressmen Edward Markey, Barney Frank, Stephen Lynch, James McGovern, Richard Neal, John Tierney, Niki Tsongas, Michael Capuano, John Olver, and William Delahunt today thanked President Barack Obama for issuing a disaster declaration for Massachusetts as a result of the water pipe rupture this past weekend. An official disaster declaration paves the way for federal dollars to help cover the costs of repairs.

A ruptured water pipe disrupted the flow of clean water to approximately two million people in the greater Boston area on Saturday. Though the broken pipe has been fixed and is currently operating at full capacity, a boil order remains in effect for the entire region. The cause of the rupture is still unknown.

-President Obama came through for Massachusetts. We were literally writing a letter as a delegation speaking with one voice when we got the news that the President was ready to act already. This news came just in time. We've got families without drinking water, senior citizens on fixed incomes buying bottled water, and businesses that have had to shut down. This is an emergency by any definition. People are hurting and they need our help now. I'll continue to work closely with Governor Patrick, our delegation and MWRA, along with other federal, state and local officials to make sure aid keeps flowing to these communities right away,- said Senator John Kerry.

-This weekend's disaster upended daily life for millions of Massachusetts residents in and around Boston. With repairs on track, I am pleased that the administration acted quickly to get our state the federal resources it needs to recover,- said Senator Scott Brown.

-I commend Governor Patrick for his swift response to this crisis and I also commend the Obama Administration for acting quickly to help the residents and business affected by this weekend's water system failure by issuing a disaster declaration,- said Rep. Ed Markey (D-Mass.).

"I am pleased the President responded so promptly to our calls for help,- said Congressman Barney Frank.

-Boston and the surrounding communities have been hit hard by the water shortage,- Congressman Stephen F. Lynch said. -I thank President Obama for issuing this disaster declaration. This will greatly assist our state and local governments in their response as well as aid the families and businesses that have been impacted.-

-I'm pleased that the Administration has acted so quickly on this disaster declaration,- Rep. McGovern said. -This pipe rupture has had a significant and negative effect on our citizens and our economy.-

"The serious and unprecedented water main break in Weston has left thousands of Massachusetts families without clean drinking water, and left the commonwealth in a state of emergency. After dealing with the devastating floods that caused so much damage last month, our public health and law enforcement officials are now working around the clock in an effort to resolve the latest crisis. I am confident that the swift coordinated response from the federal, state and local governments will resolve this problem in Greater Boston very soon," said Congressman Richard E. Neal.

-This weekend's water pipe rupture placed an enormous strain on local residents and small businesses,- said Congressman John Tierney. -I am pleased that President Obama acted quickly and issued a disaster declaration today. These federal funds will help reduce the burden as our communities continue to repair the damage and ensure that families have access to clean water.-

-The ruptured water pipe has caused a major disruption in the lives of millions of residents in Eastern Massachusetts, and the Commonwealth has had to bear the full cost of this unanticipated event. The President acted swiftly and appropriately in approving the federal disaster declaration this afternoon,- said Congresswoman Niki Tsongas.