Hunger and obesity are serious problems in this country. Over 49 million Americans go hungry every year, 17 million of which are children. And now we have a new problem - obesity. Most people think obesity is a simple problem of eating the wrong food, and this is mostly correct. But there are many cases where obese people are also hungry; that they are feeding themselves and their families with empty calories simply because they are inexpensive.
We must address hunger and obesity, and I'm pleased that the First Lady is working on these issues.
But now obesity is a national security issue. Twenty-seven percent of young adults are too fat to serve in the military and being overweight is now the leading cause for rejection from military service.
Our amendment is simple - it says that hunger and obesity are national security problems and must be addressed. And it says we should do so, in part, with the reauthorization of the Child Nutrition Act.
The School Lunch program was created in World War II because forty percent of the rejected recruits were underweight. In fact, the preamble to School Lunch Act states that the school lunch program was created, quote, -as a measure of national security- end quote.
Healthy school meals, along with more exercise and better access to food at home, will help combat the national security crisis of obesity.