Congressman McGovern Announces $657,676 Grant to Wachusett Schools

U.S. Rep. Jim McGovern (D-MA) today announced that the Wachusett Regional School District has been awarded $657,676 through the Carol M. White Physical Education Program.

The White Program provides grants to improve physical education programs, including after-school programs, in order to help students make progress toward meeting state standards for physical education.

Wachusett Regional will use the funding as part of the Be Fit! program, which aims to increase access to physical activity and nutrition education.

-As Chairman of the House Hunger Caucus, I know how important it is to give our students a strong start in life - including exercise and good nutrition,- Rep. McGovern said. -I'm very pleased that the Department of Education has provided Wachusett with this funding. We are currently working in Congress to reauthorize the Child Nutrition Act, so that all of our children can have access to quality, nutritious food.-

More information about the White Program can be found at