Congressman McGovern on Hunger Fast 2011

4/4/2011 speech on the importance of Hunger Fast 2011 and maintaining funding for hunger programs

4/4/2011 speech on the importance of Hunger Fast 2011 and maintaining funding for hunger programs

"The Hunger Fast of 2011 - the efforts by anti-hunger leaders to highlight the draconian cuts to important, life-saving programs included in H.R. 1, the House Republican budget proposal - continues to expand.

Every day, the number of hunger fast participants increases. Every day, awareness of these cuts to those programs that provide a circle of protection rises. Every day, the resolve to fight these cuts grows.

I'm thankful for and proud of these brave Americans who are giving up food to fight against these mean-spirited and harmful cuts to programs like WIC, as well as other important safety-net programs.

This weekend, more joined this effort - including the heads and members of SEIU, MoveOn, and many others.

Budgets are moral documents and the cuts in H.R. 1 cross that moral line. I stand with the participants of Hunger Fast in opposition to H.R. 1.

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