McGovern, Kerry, Frank seek divestiture to send strong message regarding LNG proposal

NEWTON, MA - Senator John Kerry, Congressman Barney Frank and Congressman Jim McGovern today released a jointly-written letter to Steve Grossman, Massachusetts State Treasurer, asking him to investigate -the possibility of divesting all shares of Hess Corporation stock the Commonwealth currently holds until such time as that company ceases to support the ill-conceived construction of a Liquid Natural Gas (LNG) facility in Fall River, MA.-

The three members of the Massachusetts delegation have long fought to prevent the siting of an LNG on the Weaver's Cove site in Fall River.

The letter states that -for nearly ten years, Hess has pursued a course of action that is in direct opposition to the stated wishes of the city of Fall River and its residents forcing them to spend a considerable amount of time and money trying to protect themselves from this divisive project.-