U.S. Rep. McGovern's statement on Hess LNG withdrawing Fall River Weaver's Cove proposal

Today, Hess LNG Monday announced it is withdrawing its proposal for a liquefied natural gas terminal at Weaver's Cove. U.S. Rep. McGovern's statement is below.

Today, Hess LNG Monday announced it is withdrawing its proposal for a liquefied natural gas terminal at Weaver's Cove. U.S. Rep. McGovern's statement is below.

-This is terrific news for the Southcoast,- Rep. McGovern said. -At long last, Hess has realized that we were going to continue to fight and fight until they pulled the plug on their ill-considered proposal. I look forward to working with local, state and federal officials to help promote safe and sensible development in Fall River.-