U.S. Rep. McGovern on 9/11: Remember, Reflect, Resolve


Madame Speaker, Sunday is the 10th Anniversary of 9/11, the day the world changed.

207 names are remembered in the Boston Public Garden 9/11 Memorial. Six were my constituents: Lynn Goodchild; Christopher Zarba, Jr.; Linda George; Robin Kaplan; Dianne Snyder; and Tara Creamer.

In those days, Tony Blair challenged the world to use the unity created by the attacks to create a -community of good.- To help the world's most vulnerable; those without schools, food, water or work with dignity.

We should reflect on how well we have responded to that challenge. We need to resolve to do better and to do more to heal the wounds of the world.

On the first Sunday after 9/11, at an ecumenical service in Worcester, I said our faith teaches us that Love is stronger than hate.

I still believe that. Now, more than ever, I believe that is the legacy of 9/11 most deserving of our political will and attention.