Markey, Massachusetts Delegation Introduce Legislation to Name Cape Cod Visitors Center After Tip O'Neill

On December 9th, Tip O'Neill would have celebrated his 100th birthday. In honor of this milestone and his instrumental role in protecting the pristine beauty of the Cape Cod seashore, all twelve members of the Massachusetts Congressional delegation,

On December 9th, Tip O'Neill would have celebrated his 100th birthday. In honor of this milestone and his instrumental role in protecting the pristine beauty of the Cape Cod seashore, all twelve members of the Massachusetts Congressional delegation,

Markey, Massachusetts Delegation Introduce Legislation to Name Cape Cod Visitors Center After Tip O'Neill

H.R. 4400 would designate the Salt Pond Visitor Center at Cape Cod National Seashore as the Thomas P. O'Neill, Jr. Salt Pond Visitor Center

On December 9th, Tip O'Neill would have celebrated his 100th birthday. In honor of this milestone and his instrumental role in protecting the pristine beauty of the Cape Cod seashore, all twelve members of the Massachusetts Congressional delegation, joined by current Democratic Leader of the House Nancy Pelosi, have co-sponsored legislation introduced today in the House by dean of the Massachusetts delegation Congressman Edward J. Markey (D-Malden) and in the Senate by Senator John Kerry (D-Mass.). The legislation renames the Cape Cod National Seashore's main visitor center The Thomas P. O'Neill, Jr. Salt Pond Visitor Center.

In 1958, Representative Tip O'Neill, along with Rep. Edward Boland, introduced legislation to protect a 40-mile stretch of Cape Cod's outer beach as a national seashore. Three years later on August 7, 1961, President Kennedy signed into law the legislation authorizing the Cape Cod National Seashore and in 1966, the Cape Cod National Seashore was formally established with a May 30, 1966 ceremony inaugurating the Salt Pond Visitor Center that Rep. O'Neill attended. Since then, the Cape Cod National Seashore has become a destination for countless Massachusetts families and millions of international visitors, a natural marvel of landscapes and structures that offer a glimpse of Cape Cod's past and unique ways of life. Tip O'Neill and his family maintained a home on Cape Cod in Harwich Port, and he was a frequent visitor to the National Seashore during his tenure in Congress and in his retirement years after having served in public life for 50 years, including 34 years as a member of Congress and ten years as Speaker of the House, the longest continuous term of any Speaker since the first Congress met in 1789.

-Tip O'Neill was a master legislator who dedicated his entire life to Massachusetts and our country,- said Rep. Markey, top Democrat on the House Natural Resources Committee, which has jurisdiction over national parks.-The squawking of politicians in Washington may have been Tip's weekday passion, but the squawking of birds on the Cape is what brought him weekend peace. Tip was instrumental in protecting the national treasure that is the beaches, marches and dunes of the Cape Cod seashore. Just as Tip honored the Cape throughout his life and career, this legislation will forever honor Tip's life and service to the Cape and our nation. As a citizen of Massachusetts and dean of the Congressional delegation, I am pleased to join my colleagues in introducing this bill to forever recognize a great defender of the natural beauty of Cape Cod.-

-Tip famously taught us that all politics was local, and in his golden years there was nothing more local or personal for him and his family than the Cape Cod seashore,- said Senator Kerry. -It's a place where he left deep footprints and loved watching his grandkids leave their own footprints in the sand. He was a legislative force like none other, and like Ted Kennedy, he knew how special this place was, and that's why he made the phone calls, wrote the legislation, and had all the conversations it took to win the National Seashore designation. It seems only fitting that we honor this cherished place with the namesake of a Massachusetts treasure, Tip O'Neill.-

-Tip O'Neill and Ronald Reagan proved what can be accomplished in Washington when members of opposite parties look for friends and not for fights,- said Senator Scott Brown. -Because he loved the Cape, this is a fitting honor for the former speaker, and I am pleased to be a cosponsor.-

-Speaker O'Neill loved the Cape, and he was absolutely instrumental in preserving its legacy for future generations,- said James McGovern. -I'm very proud to support this resolution and I applaud Ed Markey for his leadership.-

-I am pleased to lend my support to this measure,- said Rep. James W. Olver. -Naming the Cape Cod National Seashore's main visitor facility after Speaker O'Neill is a tribute to his love of the Cape and a reminder of Tip's enduring legacy both in Massachusetts and in Congress.-

-Tip O'Neill's commitment and dedication helped establish the Cape Cod National Seashore,- said Rep. Stephen F. Lynch. -The Thomas P. O'Neill, Jr. Salt Pond Visitor Center is a fitting tribute for all Tip O' Neill did to preserve the beauty and the history of the Cape's seashore. I am honored to join my Massachusetts colleagues in support of this resolution.-

-This effort to rename the Salt Pond Visitor Center at Cape Cod National Seashore as the Thomas P. O'Neill, Jr. Salt Pond Visitor Center, is a great tribute to the former Speaker of the House's fierce advocacy for the Cape Cod Seashore,- said Rep. John Tierney. -Tip O'Neill was a strong champion for families and communities across our state and this recognition is well deserved.-

-Renaming the Salt Pond Visitor Center at the Cape Cod National Seashore is a fitting tribute to the great former House Speaker, Tip O'Neill, who was instrumental in establishing the seashore as a national park,- said Rep. Michael Capuano. -It is one of Massachusetts' most beautiful natural treasures. Tip served his constituents and his state with distinction, and his legacy is evident throughout the Commonwealth.-

-No one took more pleasure from spending time on Cape Cod than Tip O'Neill,- said Rep. Richard E. Neal. -He had home in Harwich Port, and during the summer he would frequently enjoy a round of golf, a bowl of chowder and a Red Sox game. The Speaker appreciated the natural beauty of the Cape and had a love of the sea. I am happy to support this resolution honoring my old friend whose name now will be forever associated with a place he cherished.-

-The Cape was a very special place in the O'Neill family life, so it is fitting that Tip O'Neill - like the National Seashore itself - will be remembered as a true icon of Massachusetts,- said Rep. William Keating. -There is no better way to honor his life or service than by naming an active and vibrant Visitor Center after him. Just as his work lives on, the Visitor Center will continue to open the door to the National Seashore for generations to come.-

-Tip O'Neill's many contributions to the Commonwealth include the establishment of the Cape Cod National Seashore which has attracted millions of visitors since its creation in 1961 and preserves this natural treasure for the enjoyment of generations to come,- said Rep. Niki Tsongas. -The renaming of the Visitors Center in honor of Tip is a fitting recognition of his enduring legacy.-

-History sometimes deflates the reputation of political leaders. In the case of Tip O'Neill, the opposite is true,- said Rep. Barney Frank. -It was clear when he retired that he had been a great Speaker of the House and had performed significant service for his country. With the passage of time, that has become even clearer. Tip made a very hard and important job look easy.-