Congressman McGovern announces Holliston's Rummelhoff as 2012 Congressional Art Competition "Best in Show"

Students from Algonquin Regional, Bancroft, Diman Regional Vocational, Franklin, Holliston, Marlborough, Wachusett Regional also winners

Students from Algonquin Regional, Bancroft, Diman Regional Vocational, Franklin, Holliston, Marlborough, Wachusett Regional also winners

Congressman Jim McGovern (D-MA3) announced today that Isabel Rummelhoff, a student at Holliston High School, has won the 2012 Congressional Art Competition for Massachusetts' Third Congressional District for her piece "Derp." -Derp- will hang in the United States Capitol for the next year, alongside other winning artwork from throughout the country. Rummelhoff will attend an unveiling ceremony at the Capitol with Congressman McGovern and other winning entrants from around the nation later this year.

-Every year, I am staggered by the quality of art being produced by high school students in my district,- said Congressman McGovern. Their work is a testament to the need for strong arts programs in our schools. I'm honored to have such amazing submissions to our district's competition.-

-I especially want to congratulate Isabel, whose piece -Derp- demonstrates incredible technical skill, creativity, and artistic maturity.-

Congressman McGovern presented Rummelhoff with her official notification at an Artists' Reception Saturday, April 21st at his Worcester District Office, where individual category winners were announced as well. Other winning artwork from the district will hang at McGovern's Worcester office for the next year.

116 students from over a dozen schools in the 3rd Congressional District submitted over 180 pieces to the competition. The national competition, initiated by Congress in 1982, includes hundreds of thousands of high school students from across the nation. One piece from each congressional district will be displayed in the Cannon Tunnel of the U.S. Capitol Building in Washington, DC.