U.S. Rep. Jim McGovern's statement on Sen. Robert's SNAP bill

"Senator Roberts's proposal to gut SNAP by $36 billion is the wrong bill at the wrong time."

"Senator Roberts's proposal to gut SNAP by $36 billion is the wrong bill at the wrong time."

For Immediate Release: March 5, 2013

U.S. Rep. Jim McGovern's statement on Sen. Robert's SNAP bill

-Senator Roberts's proposal to gut SNAP by $36 billion is the wrong bill at the wrong time. SNAP is among the most effective and efficient federal programs. There is no way to cut $36 billion from this important program without cutting benefits. And by cutting benefits, this bill would literally take food away from people who rely on SNAP to feed their families. That is unacceptable. We should be looking at constructive ways, like job creation and education, to reduce the reliance on SNAP rather than mean-spirited and arbitrary cuts that will worsen hunger in America.-