Massachusetts Congressional Delegation Introduces Resolution on Boston Marathon Attacks

The Massachusetts Congressional Delegation today introduced a resolution honoring the victims of the bombings at Monday's Boston Marathon, recognizing the first responders who helped those in need, and committing to provide all necessary resources to bring the perpetrator or perpetrators to justice.

Massachusetts Congressional Delegation Introduces Resolution on Boston Marathon Attacks

(April 17, 2013) - The Massachusetts Congressional Delegation today introduced a resolution honoring the victims of the bombings at Monday's Boston Marathon, recognizing the first responders who helped those in need, and committing to provide all necessary resources to bring the perpetrator or perpetrators to justice.

The full text of the resolution is below, and a link to a copy of the resolution can be found HERE:


Condemning the horrific attacks of April 15, 2013, in Boston, Massachusetts, and expressing support, sympathy, and prayers for all persons impacted by this tragedy.

Whereas the two bombings that occurred in Boston, Massachusetts, on Patriots' Day, April 15, 2013, during the running of the 117th Boston Marathon represent a terrible tragedy and horrific act of terrorism against the people of the United States;

Whereas the people of the United States mourn for those persons who lost their lives or were wounded in the attacks;

Whereas police, firefighters, National Guard personnel, emergency medical personnel, and other first responders acted promptly and heroically in responding to the attacks, thereby helping to prevent additional losses of life;

Whereas the full resources of the Federal, State, and local governments are being brought to bear to investigate these attacks and to bring the perpetrator or perpetrators to justice;

Whereas the citizens of Massachusetts are a resilient people and will recover from this tragedy; and

Whereas the people of the United States will always remember the victims of the previous acts of terrorism that have occurred in the United States and will always stand together as one people:

Now, therefore, be it resolved, that the House of Representatives [United States Senate]

(1) condemns the senseless attacks in Boston, Massachusetts, on Monday, April 15, 2013;

(2) offers sympathy and condolences to the victims' families;

(3) sends thoughts and prayers for those persons who are recovering from injuries;

(4) honors the heroic efforts of medical personnel who are tirelessly providing care for the victims of this horrific act of violence;

(5) admires the courage of first responders and the many citizen heroes who aided the injured and tended to the community;

(6) commits to providing all necessary resources to law enforcement officials who are investigating the terrorist attacks;

(7) commits to working together as united Americans to bring the perpetrator or perpetrators of the attacks to justice; and

(8) recognizes that the city of Boston, the people of Massachusetts, and all Americans will rise up from this tragedy and stand together as patriots.