U.S. Congressman Jim Mcgovern Welcomes Abraham White as New Press Secretary

Today, Congressman Jim McGovern (MA-02) announced that Abraham White has joined his office as Press Secretary. White will oversee McGovern’s communications in the district and nationally. 

White joins McGovern’s office after serving as Deputy Press Secretary for former-Senator Tom Harkin (IA) at the Senate Health, Education, Labor, and Pensions (HELP) Committee. Prior to joining Harkin’s office, White served with the communications team at the Center for American Progress, managing press for Generation Progress, their youth advocacy team.

“I’m thrilled Abraham is joining our team. He is a seasoned communicator who comes to our office with strong experience working for leading members of Congress and national advocacy organizations. He did amazing work for my friend, Senator Tom Harkin, and I’m proud to welcome him to my staff,” McGovern said.

“I’m excited to join the great team Congressman McGovern has assembled to fight every day for the people of Massachusetts,” added White.

White can be reached at abraham.white@mail.house.gov or 202-225-6101, and on Twitter @abwhite7.
