Congressman McGovern at House Agriculture Committee: SNAP Helps Americans Put Food on the Table and Should Be Strengthened, Not Cut

Today, Congressman Jim McGovern (MA-02), Ranking Member of the House Agriculture Nutrition Subcommittee, delivered the following opening statement at this morning’s House Agriculture Committee hearing entitled: “Past, Present, and Future of SNAP: The Means to Climbing the Economic Ladder.”

“It should be clear to everyone on this Committee who has sat through at least five SNAP hearings already – that SNAP is something that is working,” Congressman McGovern said. “Time and time again, we’ve heard from witnesses – both Democratic and Republican – that SNAP is a good program. It’s efficient and effective.

“We’re told by charities and non-profits that they cannot feed the hungry on their own; they need a strong federal partner,” McGovern added. “They urged us not to cut SNAP – and, in fact, they urged us to strengthen the program […] In the past couple of years, this Congress has cut SNAP, demagogued poor people and increased hunger in America. I think enough damage has been done.”

Congressman McGovern’s full opening statement is below.

As Prepared For Delivery:

“There’s lots of wrong in the world for us to do endless hearings on. But, it should be clear to everyone on this Committee who has sat through at least five SNAP hearings already – that SNAP is something that is working. Time and time again, we’ve heard from witnesses – both Democratic and Republican – that SNAP is a good program. It’s efficient and effective.

“And we’re told by charities and non-profits that they cannot feed the hungry on their own; they need a strong federal partner. They urged us not to cut SNAP – and, in fact, they urged us to strengthen the program by making it easier for eligible people to enroll and re-enroll in the program.

“And – let’s be clear – while today’s hearing is entitled “Past, Present, and Future of SNAP: The Means to Climbing the Economic Ladder” – SNAP is a food program – it’s not a jobs program or a housing program.

“Two-thirds of SNAP recipients are kids, seniors or the disabled – most of whom are not expected to work – unless some here want to repeal child labor laws or force grandma back to work.

“Of those who can work – the majority do work. But here’s the thing that should really trouble all my colleagues – there are those who work full time in this country and earn so little that they still qualify for SNAP!

“And no matter how much you want to tweak, change or supposedly want to reform SNAP – the only way to solve that problem is by increasing wages. And while you’re at it – we should adequately fund job training programs so there are enough slots for people who need them.

“I have no idea where these hearings are leading to. But I have a sinking feeling in my stomach that they’re not leading to a place that’s good for millions of struggling Americans. We need better coordination amongst federal agencies. We need to overcome silo mentality and we need a more comprehensive approach to ending poverty. Quite frankly it requires a discussion beyond just the Agriculture Committee.

“In the past couple of years, this Congress has cut SNAP, demagogued poor people and increased hunger in America.

“I think enough damage has been done.”
