Congressman McGovern Applauds Historic Supreme Court Ruling Expanding Marriage Equality to All 50 States

Today, Congressman Jim McGovern (MA-02) released the following statement on the Supreme Court’s decision on marriage equality:

“At long last, the Supreme Court has recognized that every loving couple has the right to marry. I am especially proud to be from Massachusetts – the first state in the nation to legalize marriage equality in 2004. Today’s ruling is a powerful statement for full equality. Marriage will now be legal for LGBT Americans in all 50 states across the country.

“As we celebrate today, we know that the fight for full equality must continue. Our work will not be finished until we know that every LGBT American knows that they will never lose their job, lose their home, or live in fear because of who they are and who they love.

“Finally, I want to honor those brave men and women in our country who, over many years, have fought for equal rights and equal protection under the law for all LGBT citizens.  Some have lost their lives, have been victims of violence, and have faced discrimination. Today’s victory is a result of their courage and their commitment. Because of them, we are a better country.”
