McGovern Statement on Paul Ryan’s Election as Speaker of the House

Congressman Jim McGovern (MA-02) released the following statement after Congressman Paul Ryan was elected Speaker of the U.S. House of Representatives this morning.

“Today, I want to thank John Boehner for his many years of public service. Even when we didn’t see eye to eye, I always respected his dedication and I am grateful for his commitment to the American people.

“As we begin a new chapter, I want to congratulate Speaker Ryan as he takes this important job. I’ve known Paul Ryan for many years. He is a good friend and I wish him well. I appreciate his call to regular order where the opinions of all members of the House are valued and heard and I hope we move in that direction.

“While I’m under no illusion that Speaker Ryan and I will agree on everything – we probably won’t agree on most things – I am hopeful that we can work together to find common ground and achieve the bipartisan solutions our country needs. This week’s bipartisan votes on the budget and Export Import Bank show that Congress can still get things done. That’s what the American people sent us here to do and I look forward to working with him and members of both parties to achieve that goal.”
