McGovern Statement on President Obama’s State of the Union Address

Congressman Jim McGovern (D-MA) released the following statement on President Obama’s final State of the Union address tonight:

“In President Obama’s final State of the Union address tonight, he reminded us of how far our country has come in the last seven years and how important it is for us to build on that progress. One of the most powerful parts of tonight’s speech was the president’s call for us to reject the politics of fear and hate that divide us. America is strongest when we stand together.

“Both at home and abroad, our country has taken historic steps forward during President Obama’s tenure. First and foremost, America recovered from the worst economic crisis in generations, creating more than 14 million new jobs and cutting the unemployment rate in half. And as we expanded healthcare access to nearly 18 million previously uninsured Americans, brought marriage equality to all 50 states, dramatically increased wind and solar power, and secured an historic international climate agreement, it is clear that our country is much stronger than it was seven years ago.

“Even so, there is still much work to do and the only way that we can help more American families get ahead is by working together in a bipartisan way. As we begin 2016, I am hopeful that we can expand economic opportunity, take action to reduce gun violence, do more to help end hunger, and take further steps to address climate change. America must also continue to lead on the world stage and Congress must do its part by continuing to support diplomacy and finally vote on an AUMF that would define and then authorize any further military action against ISIS.

“Only when we bridge the partisanship that so often divides can we make the progress we know America is capable of. I urge my colleagues on both sides of the aisle to join me in embracing that bipartisan spirit as we begin the New Year.”
