McGovern: Taking Healthcare Away Requires a Heart of Stone

U.S. Congressman Jim McGovern (D-MA), the top Democrat leading debate today against the American Health Care Act, delivered the following speech on the House floor in an appeal to the compassion of both Republicans and Democrats to stand up for the families they represent and stop this dangerous bill from becoming law.

“I remind my colleagues that we’re supposed to care about one another and especially the most vulnerable in our society.

“In this era of Trump, Washington has become a mean place. It’s become a place where it has become unfashionable to worry about the poor, about older Americans, and about those who struggle.

“There’s absolutely no justification for giving huge tax breaks to billionaires. A trillion dollars in tax breaks to millionaires and billionaires. And at the same time, throwing 24 million people off of healthcare and denying millions more essential healthcare protections.

“There are only two ways you can vote for this bill. One is, you don’t know what’s in the bill. Or two is, you have to have a heart of stone. Because this bill is shameful. It’s going to hurt people. It’s going to hurt your constituents.

“Withdraw this bill or vote no on this bill, but this bill cannot become law. The healthcare protections for the American people are too important. I urge all my colleagues, both Democrats and Republicans, reject this, vote no.”

Full Text of Congressman McGovern’s Closing Statement:

“I would say to my colleagues that this is a sad day for this institution. This process has been awful. But this is an even sadder day for the American people.

“I remind my colleagues that we’re supposed to care about one another and especially the most vulnerable in our society.

“In this era of Trump, Washington has become a mean place. It’s become a place where it has become unfashionable to worry about the poor, about older Americans, and about those who struggle.

“There’s absolutely no justification for giving huge tax breaks to billionaires. A trillion dollars in tax breaks to millionaires and billionaires. And at the same time, throwing 24 million people off of healthcare and denying millions more essential healthcare protections.

“Twenty-four million people. I think my Republican colleagues have lost their human ability to feel what that means. That’s the entire population of Australia.

“I have a great deal of respect for my colleagues, but when I look at this bill and I read this bill, I have to wonder, ‘What are you thinking? How could you do this?’ And I’ve come to the conclusion that there are only two ways you can vote for this bill. One is, you don’t know what’s in the bill. Or two is, you have to have a heart of stone. Because this bill is shameful. It’s going to hurt people. It’s going to hurt your constituents.

“Withdraw this bill or vote no on this bill, but this bill cannot become law. The healthcare protections for the American people are too important. I urge all my colleagues, both Democrats and Republicans, reject this, vote no.”
