McGovern Moves to Force House Vote to Launch Independent Trump-Russia Commission

“For too long, Republican leaders in Congress have stood in the way of the full, independent investigation the American people deserve,” Congressman McGovern said. “We must have an independent, outside commission to investigate the Trump-Russia connection and the possibility of collusion to influence the presidential election without the meddling of the Trump Administration.

WASHINGTON, D.C. – As new reports show President Trump attempted to shut down the FBI’s investigation of his campaign and administration’s ties to Russia, Congressman Jim McGovern (D-MA) today joined a discharge petition to force the House to vote on bipartisan legislation establishing an independent, outside commission to investigate the Trump-Russia connection and possible collusion to interfere in the presidential election. Recent polling shows 78 percent of Americans want an independent investigation.

“For too long, Republican leaders in Congress have stood in the way of the full, independent investigation the American people deserve,” Congressman McGovern said. “We must have an independent, outside commission to investigate the Trump-Russia connection and the possibility of collusion to influence the presidential election without the meddling of the Trump Administration.

Congressman McGovern is an original sponsor of the discharge petition filed by House Democrats today and that measure will force the House to vote on H.R. 356, the Protecting Our Democracy Act, a bill introduced by Representatives Elijah Cummings (D-MD) and Eric Swalwell (D-CA), after 218 Members of Congress sign the discharge petition. Thus far, Speaker Ryan has refused to schedule a vote on the bipartisan bill, and House Republicans have voted seven times to block its consideration in the House.

“Every day it seems new evidence emerges showing how deep the Trump-Russia connection goes. Where there’s smoke, there’s fire,” Congressman McGovern said. “Now is the time for Congress to find the fire and get the facts and we can only do that a fully independent bipartisan commission.”

In July 2016, the FBI opened an investigation into possible collusion between Trump campaign officials and the Russian government. Last week, President Trump admitted on national television that he fired FBI Director James Comey to try to stop his investigation into Trump-Russia ties. On Monday, we learned the President compromised highly classified intelligence to the Russians and jeopardized the security of the American people – the day after he fired the FBI Director.

“If the President has nothing to hide, then he should welcome the chance to remove all doubt of a cover-up,” Congressman McGovern said. “It is time for all members of Congress to put politics aside and follow the facts. We took an oath to defend and uphold the Constitution. We must act now.”
