In Visit with Central MA Seniors, McGovern Pledges to Fight GOP Health Bill and Protect Senior Healthcare

LEOMINSTER, MA – Today Congressman Jim McGovern (D-MA), a senior House Democrat representing much of Central Massachusetts, met with local seniors across Leominster to hear about a wide range of issues seniors care about – including proposed cuts to Medicare and Medicaid as well as Social Security funding and immigration. Congressman also discussed his efforts to stop the Republican health bill and the devastating effect it would have on Massachusetts seniors.

Congressman McGovern was joined by State Rep. Natalie Higgins today for visits with seniors at Sunset Towers, Life Care Center, Summit Elder Center, Manor on the Hill, Benchmark Senior Living, and Sunrise of Leominster. Click here for high resolution photos.

“Today I heard from seniors here in Central Massachusetts who are worried about losing access to healthcare and so many of the essential services they depend on,” Congressman Jim McGovern said. “Taking healthcare away from our seniors just to give tax breaks to millionaires is cruel and wrong. But that’s exactly what the Senate Republican health bill would do. It’s heartbreaking to think that this is even a possibility in the richest country in the world. Today I pledged to our seniors that when I return to Congress next week, I will make sure their voices are heard and we stop this terrible bill. America is better than this.”

  • Medicaid covers 64 percent of nursing home residents and the Senate Republican health bill would cut Medicaid by nearly $800 billion.
  • Over 50 million Medicare beneficiaries would pay a higher Part B premium.
  • Senate bill would cause Medicare to become bankrupt 2 years earlier in 2026, which could result in deep Medicare cuts to keep the program solvent.
  • 74 million Americans depend on Medicaid. Millions of Baby Boomers will be turning 80 about the same time that the GOP health bill’s drastic cuts to Medicaid will kick in.
  • For 65 percent of seniors in nursing homes, Medicaid is their primary support.
  • Americans aged 50-64 would be forced to pay premiums five times higher than what others pay for health coverage, no matter how healthy they are.
  • The life of the Medicare Trust Fund would be shortened and the Senate health bill ransacks funds that seniors depend on to get the long-term care they need.
