McGovern Announces New Communications Director

Today, Congressman Jim McGovern (D-MA), Ranking Member of the House Rules Committee and a senior member of House Democratic leadership, announced that Matthew Bonaccorsi has been promoted to Communications Director, overseeing communications at both the district and national level.

Bonaccorsi was raised in Medford, Massachusetts, and is a graduate of UMass, Amherst. He has worked in McGovern’s Washington, D.C. office for two years. Previously, he served as Deputy Press Secretary to the Senate President of Massachusetts, and as a Field Organizer on Elizabeth Warren’s 2012 United States Senate race.

“I’m thrilled to have Matt step into this new role,” said McGovern. “His local roots and communications expertise will prove invaluable as Democrats continue to clearly and forcefully speak the truth to a White House that lies without any hesitation or shame.”

“I’ve been lucky to see firsthand the incredible passion and commitment that Congressman McGovern exhibits every day while fighting for the people of Massachusetts,” said Bonaccorsi. “I’m honored to be part of the top-notch team he has assembled, and proud to continue working for such an inspiring leader.”

He can be reached at or (202) 225-6101, and on Twitter @Mattb_MA