McGovern Announces District Office Staff Changes

WORCESTER - Today, Congressman Jim McGovern (MA-02), Chairman of the House Rules Committee, announced the following staff changes in his district offices:

Jon Niedzielski has been promoted to District Director, and Kelly Brissette has been promoted to Deputy District Director. Niedzielski and Brissette will oversee all operations and staff in Congressman McGovern's district offices in Worcester, Northampton, and Leominster. Both will begin their new roles on June 1st. Niedzielski will replace McGovern’s longtime District Director, Kathleen Polanowicz.

“For nearly a decade, Kathleen has been not only an extraordinary leader of my team, but also a trusted advisor and a valued friend,” said McGovern. “She has played a pivotal role in so many community and economic development projects throughout our region that it’s hard to keep track of how much she has done. She was the driving force behind the construction of the track and sports field at the Boys and Girls Club, spearheaded the recently completed Blackstone Valley Heritage Visitors Center project, and secured the preservation of The White Cliffs in Northborough, just to name a few. I am proud to have had the opportunity to work with Kathleen. On behalf of all the communities and constituents in whose lives she has made a real and lasting difference, I wish her the best in all her future endeavors.”

About Jon Niedzielski, Congressman McGovern’s Incoming District Director:

Niedzielski was appointed by President Obama in 2013 to serve as Massachusetts State Executive Director of the United States Department of Agriculture’s Farm Service Agency. For over a decade before that, he served as Deputy Chief of Staff and District Director to former Congressman John Olver. A resident of Amherst, Niedzielski received his Bachelor’s Degree in History from Ithaca College, and a Master’s Degree in Foreign Affairs from the University of Virginia, Charlottesville.

“Jon has deep ties to our community – and a proven track record of delivering results for the people of Massachusetts. He knows what it takes to provide outstanding, high quality services to those we represent. I know Jon will help lead Team McGovern with integrity and talent, and he will ensure our office continues to be accessible and helpful to everyone,” said McGovern.

“I’m thrilled and honored to take on this new role. I look forward to continuing the Congressman’s track record of success by providing the highest quality service to our constituents and advocating on behalf of Massachusetts’ Second Congressional District,” said Niedzielski.

About Kelly Brissette, Congressman McGovern’s Incoming Deputy District Director:

Brissette has worked with McGovern since 2009, most recently as District Scheduler. She received her Bachelor’s Degree in Political Science from Boston College, and resides in Worcester with her husband John and their two children.

“When it comes to Worcester, Kelly Brissette is an encyclopedia. She grew up here and lives here, but more importantly, she has taken the time to listen and learn about the issues our communities face and how we can solve them by working together. I’m really excited to have her take on this new role, and I know that she will accomplish great things as Deputy District Director,” said McGovern.

“I’m thrilled by this opportunity to help Congressman McGovern serve and engage with his constituents and communities across the district,” said Brissette.