McGovern Statement on Criminal Indictment of Former President Donald Trump

 WASHINGTONToday, Congressman James P. McGovern (D-MA), ranking member of the House Rules Committee, released the following statement after Donald Trump was indicted on criminal charges by a New York grand jury:

“Despite Trump’s absurd rhetoric, his indictment has nothing to do with politics. After examining the evidence, hearing from witnesses, and looking at the law, a grand jury decided he likely committed a crime. How could anyone be surprised? His campaign manager, deputy campaign manager, chief strategist, national security advisor, personal lawyer, and accountant are all convicted felons. Like a mob boss, he surrounded himself with a cult of criminals who took the fall for him—and now the jig is up.

“Fraudulently using campaign contributions as hush money to cover up an affair is illegal. So illegal that Trump’s own lawyer went to jail for handling the payments. Trump deserves his day in court, just like everybody else—but instead he’s been calling for his supporters to protest against the rule of law itself. His behavior is sick. In America, no person is above the law. Equal justice matters more than blind loyalty to a twice-impeached disgraced ex-president who led an insurrection after he couldn’t lie or cheat his way out of losing.”
