U.S. Congressman Jim Mcgovern (Ma02) Statement on the Colombian Humanitarian De-Mining Agreement

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I congratulate the Colombian government and the FARC negotiating teams for reaching this historic agreement to begin the removal of anti-personnel landmines throughout Colombia. After Afghanistan, Colombia is the most mine-affected country in conflict in the world, and it will take many years to fully remove all landmines from Colombia. This concrete agreement also contributes to even greater confidence that the negotiations are serious, are moving forward and that a final peace accord will be achieved.

U.S. Congressman Jim Mcgovern (Ma02) End Hunger Now Speech: House Hunger Caucus

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Later this morning, I will join my colleague, Congresswoman Lynn Jenkins of Kansas, at DC Central Kitchen to officially re-launch the House Hunger Caucus. I couldn’t be happier that we are continuing this important bipartisan Caucus in the 114th Congress. I’m thrilled to have her partnership in this Caucus and I look forward to working with her. I encourage my House colleagues to join the House Hunger Caucus. As Members, we don’t have to agree on everything to agree on something. Ending hunger should be something that we can all agree on.


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Last Thursday I launched #FillUpYourPlate on my website at mcgovern.house.gov. It’s a place where people can tell me what SNAP, or food stamps, means to them or how hunger has impacted their lives. Responses are posted on my website to create a wall of virtual paper plates. I encourage people to visit my website at mcgovern.house.gov to share what SNAP means to them.


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I’m pleased that we are finally discussing a new authorization for military force in the Middle East, something that should have happened a long time ago. Congress has been negligent, ignoring its constitutional duties on matters of war and peace. I hope that when a resolution comes to the floor, the House will be given the opportunity for a full and fair debate.

U.S. Congressman Jim Mcgovern (Ma02) End Hunger Now Speech: Expand & Strengthen the School Breakfast Program

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I rise today to highlight two important new reports released today by the Food Research and Action Center, or FRAC, on the school breakfast program. FRAC’s reports – the School Breakfast Scorecard; and School Breakfast – Making it Work in Large District show that we’ve made progress in expanding access to school breakfast, but that work remains to be done.