I’m pleased that we are finally discussing a new authorization for military force in the Middle East, something that should have happened a long time ago. Congress has been negligent, ignoring its constitutional duties on matters of war and peace. I hope that when a resolution comes to the floor, the House will be given the opportunity for a full and fair debate. Read more »
The recent news out of Nigeria is appalling, with Boko Haram murdering thousands of innocent civilians. The government of Nigeria and its regional neighbors must increase and coordinate their efforts to stop the violence against defenseless villages. The international community, including the United States, should do all it can to protect and provide humanitarian assistance to the Nigerian people – especially those who have fled or escaped Boko Haram. The U.S., in particular, should help northeastern Nigeria establish early warning systems and other proven methods that help local communities avoid violent attacks. And even though other events may dominate the news, I call on every person of conscience to keep the people of Nigeria in their thoughts. Read more »
Today is a historic, long-overdue day. At long last, the Cold War policies of the past five decades are almost over. I look forward to working with the President to consolidate and advance the measures announced today, and I commend him and his Administration for choosing to create a better future for the people of the United States and the people of Cuba.
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The Senate Intelligence Committee’s report is deeply disturbing. The United States should never use torture. Period. It’s morally wrong, it’s ineffective and it puts our own troops at risk. We should do whatever it takes to make sure this sad chapter in American history is never repeated. Read more »
The following are the remarks given by U.S. Rep. Jim McGovern (MA02) during a panel, The Legacy of the Jesuits on U.S. Foreign Policy toward El Salvador and Central America and on the Society of Jesus, at University of Central America José Simeón Cañas on Saturday, November, 15, 2014. Read more »
The 53-year-old economic embargo against Cuba has not worked. It has not overturned the Cuban government. But it has done grave harm to the lives of ordinary Cubans and increasingly isolated the United States in the region, the hemisphere and the world. The Cold War is over. It’s time to change. Read more »
I was pleased to meet Minister Garzón, whom I have admired and respected for many years. We had a wide-ranging discussion about the importance of labor rights to the peace process and how much remains to be done in Colombia to guarantee labor rights and protect workers and labor activists. Read more »
I strongly protest the detention of Nabeel Rajab, president of the Bahrain Center for Human Rights, and I call upon the Government of Bahrain to release him immediately. Read more »
U.S. Rep. Jim McGovern (D-MA), along with his Rules Committee colleague U.S. Rep. Tom Cole (R-OK) have coordinated a bipartisan letter calling on the House Leadership urging them to bring an authorization for the use of military force in Iraq when Congress returns to Washington in November. Read more »
M. Speaker, I rise in opposition to this rule.
Let us be very clear about one of the implications of the language before us: A vote for this rule is a vote to shut off the mechanisms of the War Powers Resolution for the next two months. If any Member of this House has any concerns about the on-going military operations in Iraq, the potential of U.S. military airstrikes… Read more »