Statement of U.S. Rep. Jim Mcgovern (Ma02) on Un Vote on Embargo Against Cuba

The 53-year-old economic embargo against Cuba has not worked. It has not overturned the Cuban government. But it has done grave harm to the lives of ordinary Cubans and increasingly isolated the United States in the region, the hemisphere and the world. The Cold War is over. It’s time to change.

“Today, the United Nations General Assembly will debate – for the 23rd year in a row – a resolution condemning the United States economic embargo against Cuba. Last year, only the U.S. and Israel voted against it.  It is past time for the Obama Administration to take concrete steps to ease restrictions against Cuba, reestablish diplomatic relations, and initiate a mutually-beneficial dialogue to end the conflict between our nations.  Better relations would allow the United States to more effectively raise concerns about human rights on the island.  The 53-year-old economic embargo has not worked.  It has not overturned the Cuban government. But it has done grave harm to the lives of ordinary Cubans and increasingly isolated the United States in the region, the hemisphere and the world.  The Cold War is over.  It’s time to change.”
