Congressman McGovern Lauds Haiti Relief Effort

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Mr. Speaker, It has now been two weeks since a 7.0 earthquake struck Haiti on the afternoon of January 12th. Over these past 14 days, we have seen pictures of the devastation of Port-au-Prince and surrounding communities. Estimates of the number of dead continue to rise; and the injured in the capital alone is already in the tens of thousands, many needing sophisticated…

Congressman McGovern Calls for Clearly Defined U.S. Mission in Afghanistan

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M. Speaker, I rise in support of this rule and in support of the Fiscal Year 2010 Defense Appropriations Bill, which the House will take up shortly. M. Speaker, H.R. 3326 is a good bill. It provides support for our military families, and it provides our troops with the funding and equipment they need to successfully perform their duties and carry out their assigned…

Congressman Jim McGovern Calls for U.S. Exit Strategy in Afghanistan

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Mr. Speaker. I rise to express my strong concern over US policy in Afghanistan. I worry that we are getting sucked deeper and deeper into a war with no end. Our mission continues to grow and grow, with no clear sense of where we are ultimately going. It has been eight long years. We have lost too many brave men and women. And we have spent billions and billions of…

Congressman McGovern's Statement on the FY09 Supplemental Appropriations Bill

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Click image to play video Mr. Speaker - In 2001, I voted in favor of the resolution to authorize the use of force in Afghanistan to hold to account al-Qaeda and the Taliban for their unconscionable and unforgivable acts against our fellow citizens. I would do it again if faced with the same decision. But after eight long years our mission has been vastly…

U.S. Reps Jim McGovern, Dan Lungren Introduce Global Security Priorities Resolution

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Bipartisan Bill Calls for Continued Reductions in Nuclear Arsenal, Investments in Children U.S. Reps. Jim McGovern (D-MA) and Dan Lungren (R-CA) today reintroduced their -Global Security Priorities- Resolution. The resolution recognizes -the paramount need to address the threat of international terrorism and protect the international security of the United States by reducing the…

Congressman McGovern's Statement Recognizing the 50th Anniversary of Tibetans in Exile

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Click image to play video M. Speaker - I rise today in strong support of this important resolution. I thank my friend Congressman Rush Holt, Speaker Pelosi, and the Chairman and Ranking Member of the House Foreign Affairs Committee, for their leadership in the long struggle for freedom, dignity and human rights in Tibet. M. Speaker, for six decades, the history of Tibet is marked by…

Statements by U.S. Rep. Jim McGovern on the Situation in Gaza

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January 6th: I believe the international community must press for an immediate cease-fire. A cease-fire would allow humanitarian assistance to be delivered most effectively and facilitate the revitalization of the peace process. I also believe that the United States has been dis-engaged from this process for far too long. President-elect Obama should indicate that he will appoint a…