Reps. McGovern, McDermott & Ellison Call On Egyptian Govt. to Stop Violence

U.S. Congressmen Jim McDermott (D-WA), Keith Ellison (D-MN), Jim McGovern (D-MA) issued the following statement today regarding the situation in Egypt:

-We are deeply concerned with the Egyptian government's use of security forces and violence against demonstrators throughout Egypt. Egyptians are on the streets to address legitimate grievances. Such heavy-handed response by the Egyptian Government will only exacerbate the frustration of these protestors, many of whom are young people that are fed up with the lack of political freedoms, as well as poverty and the lack of other opportunities. We call on the Government of Egypt to stop using violence against its own people; allow the free flow of information over the Internet, phone networks and in the media; immediately release Mohamed ElBaradei and all others wrongly detained; repeal the Emergency Law; and, allow reforms toward a more democratic election process.

-We fully support the Obama Administration's resolve to stand with the people of Egypt, and we encourage the Obama Administration to escalate its call for political and economic reforms in Egypt. The U.S. Congress will carefully observe the situation in Egypt in the upcoming days, particularly in order to ensure that no U.S. assistance or equipment is used in the violent suppression of peaceful protests; and, in the weeks and months ahead, Congress will be evaluating U.S. assistance to Egypt in light of developments on the ground.-