Congressman McGovern Opposes the Republican Resolution to Dismantle Health Care Reform

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I thank the gentleman for yielding me the customary 30 minutes and I yield myself 4 minutes. M. Speaker, I rise in strong opposition to this resolution. Once again I am deeply disappointed that instead of working to create jobs and strengthen the economy, the new Republican Majority continues to focus on re-opening old wounds and fighting old battles. The resolution before us…

Congressman McGovern Supports Education Jobs and Medicaid Assistance Act

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M. Speaker, I rise in support of the rule and the underlying bill. Our communities are struggling. Forty-seven states are facing budget shortfalls, and at least 34 states will cut both jobs and services in this fiscal year unless there is an additional six-month extension of the FMAP program. All of us are hearing from our governors. In June, a bipartisan group of…

Congressman McGovern's Statement on Health Care Reform

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Mr. Speaker, this is an historic day for all of us in the House. We have the opportunity to enact real, meaningful health insurance reform that will improve the lives of millions of our fellow citizens. We can end the most abusive practices of the insurance companies. We can provide coverage to millions of hard-working families. We can bring down the costs of health care for…

Congressman McGovern Urges House Colleagues to Pass Health Insurance Reform Bill

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Mr. Speaker, this is a remarkable, historic moment. Passage of health insurance reform is a -Franklin Roosevelt- moment, right up there with the creation of Social Security. We have debated this issue for almost 100 years, since Teddy Roosevelt ran as a Bull Moose. This year alone, House committees have spent nearly 100 hours in hearings on health reform; heard from 181 witnesses;…

Common Health Care Reform Myths Re-butted

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The following contains common myths associated with HR 3200, commonly known as the Health Care Reform bill. This information rebutts some of those myths and was researched and assembled by the Members and staff of 3 Congressional Committees; Energy and Commerce, Ways and Means, Education and Labor. Pg 22 of the HC Bill MANDATES the Govt will audit the books of ALL EMPLOYERS that self…

Congressman McGovern on the House's Modified Version of the Health Insurance Reform Bill

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Dear Friend, As you know, the leadership in the House of Representatives recently introduced a modified version of the health insurance reform bill. There have been several important modifications to the legislation. For example, the modified bill begins to close the so-called Medicare prescription drug benefit -donut hole- immediately. I've included several links here that I hope you…