U.S. Reps. Jim McGovern and Walter Jones send letter to President requesting declassified NIE

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U.S. Reps. Jim McGovern (D-MA) and Walter Jones (R-NC) today sent the attached letter to President Obama urging him to authorize the declassification and release of the 2011 National Intelligence Estimate (NIE) on Afghanistan. -Recent media reports have detailed that the current National Intelligence Estimate (NIE) on Afghanistan recognizes that U.S. policy has not…

U.S. Rep. Jim McGovern on Afghanistan: "Bring them home, Mr. President. Bring them all home. Now."

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END THE WAR IN AFGHANISTAN NOW M. Speaker, on Saturday, the New York Times reported that our ambassador in Afghanistan, Ryan C. Crocker, told a group of journalists that U.S. troops could stay in Afghanistan long past the president's 2014 deadline if the Afghan government asked us to stay. The very next day, the New York Times reported Afghan President Hamid Karzai blaming…

U.S. Rep. McGovern Joins Lee, Jones, 39 Colleagues Calling on Obama to Expedite Troop Withdrawal From Afghanistan

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"The ongoing war in Afghanistan...threatens to stretch our commitment into another decade. In August you announced the gradual removal of the "surge" troops, and yet over 70,000 troops will remain in Afghanistan at this time next year. This is unsustainable and counterproductive. There is unanimous agreement that the future of Afghanistan depends on Afghans and their…

U.S. Rep. Jim McGovern's statement on the President's announcement on Iraq

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-I applaud President Obama's decision to finally bring our significant military presence in Iraq to an end. The war in Iraq has cost us dearly - in lost lives, lost billions and lost standing in the world. It is past time to bring our brave troops home to their families - where they belong. Iraq's future must be determined by the Iraqi people. Our military and diplomatic personnel…

U.S. Rep. McGovern on 9/11: Remember, Reflect, Resolve

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REMEMBER, REFLECT, RESOLVE Madame Speaker, Sunday is the 10th Anniversary of 9/11, the day the world changed. 207 names are remembered in the Boston Public Garden 9/11 Memorial. Six were my constituents: Lynn Goodchild; Christopher Zarba, Jr.; Linda George; Robin Kaplan; Dianne Snyder; and Tara Creamer. In those days, Tony Blair challenged the world to use the unity created by…

U.S. Rep. McGovern's opening and closing statements on "Cut, Cap, and End Medicare"

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Opening Statement of U.S. Representative James P. McGovern H. Res. 355, Rule for Consideration of H.R. 2560 July 19, 2011 I thank the gentleman from Georgia, Mr. Woodall, for yielding me the customary 30 minutes. I ask unanimous consent to revise and extend my remarks and I yield myself 5 minutes. M. Speaker, I rise in strong opposition to this closed rule and in even…

U.S. Rep McGovern: Floor speech on Afghanistan-"Change Course Now"

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Last night the President outlined his strategy for Afghanistan - which included a drawdown of 10,000 troops by the end of this year and an additional 23,000 by the end of next year. I believe this is insufficient and I fear that it means more of the same for the next 18 months. The same strategy means the same costs - and I'm sad to say, even more casualties. More American soldiers…