McGovern, Engel, Pitts, Salmon Resolution Calls for Settlement for Tibetan People

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Today, Representatives Jim McGovern (MA-02) and Joseph Pitts (PA), co-chairs of the Tom Lantos Human Rights Commission, joined Representative Eliot L. Engel (NY), the top Democrat on the House Committee on Foreign Affairs, and Representative Matt Salmon (AZ), Chairman of the Asia Pacific Subcommittee, to introduce H. Res. 337, a measure calling for meaningful dialogue and a negotiated…

Congressman McGovern: Strong U.S. Investment in International Food Aid is Key to Our National Security

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Today, Congressman Jim McGovern (MA-02), Ranking Member of the House Agriculture Subcommittee on Nutrition, delivered the following statement at the House Agriculture Committee hearing reviewing U.S. International Food Aid Programs led by the U.S. Department of Agriculture (USDA) and the U.S. Agency for International Development (USAID). “Investing in these programs is also an…

Congressman McGovern Leads House Debate on Bipartisan Resolution to Force Congress to Take Up AUMF for U.S. War with ISIS

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Today, Congressman Jim McGovern (D-MA), second-highest ranking Democrat on the House Rules Committee, is leading debate on the House floor ahead of a vote on H. Con. Res. 55, his bipartisan resolution that would force Congress to debate an Authorization for the Use of Military Force (AUMF) for U.S. military engagement against ISIS. “For over 10 months, the United States has been…


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Worcester, Massachusetts April 18, 2015         My dear friends – I feel so very honored and very humble to be able to join all of you today to remember and commemorate the 100th Anniversary of the Armenian Genocide.  It is particularly special that Archbishop Khajag Barsamian has come to participate in today’s activities and…

U.S. Congressman Jim Mcgovern (Ma02) Statement on the Colombian Humanitarian De-Mining Agreement

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I congratulate the Colombian government and the FARC negotiating teams for reaching this historic agreement to begin the removal of anti-personnel landmines throughout Colombia. After Afghanistan, Colombia is the most mine-affected country in conflict in the world, and it will take many years to fully remove all landmines from Colombia. This concrete agreement also contributes to even greater confidence that the negotiations are serious, are moving forward and that a final peace accord will be achieved.

U.S. Congressman Jim Mcgovern (Ma02) Statement on Boko Haram Attacks

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The recent news out of Nigeria is appalling, with Boko Haram murdering thousands of innocent civilians. The government of Nigeria and its regional neighbors must increase and coordinate their efforts to stop the violence against defenseless villages. The international community, including the United States, should do all it can to protect and provide humanitarian assistance to the Nigerian people – especially those who have fled or escaped Boko Haram. The U.S., in particular, should help northeastern Nigeria establish early warning systems and other proven methods that help local communities avoid violent attacks. And even though other events may dominate the news, I call on every person of conscience to keep the people of Nigeria in their thoughts.

Statement of Congressman Mcgovern (Ma02) on President's Changes to U.S.-Cuba Policy & Freeing of Alan Gross

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Today is a historic, long-overdue day. At long last, the Cold War policies of the past five decades are almost over. I look forward to working with the President to consolidate and advance the measures announced today, and I commend him and his Administration for choosing to create a better future for the people of the United States and the people of Cuba.