Congressman McGovern: Opening U.S. Embassy in Cuba a Victory for American Diplomacy

Today, Congressman Jim McGovern (MA-02), a senior House Democrat and leading advocate of modernizing U.S. relations with Cuba, praised the announcement by President Obama that the Administration has reached a deal with Cuba to re-establish diplomatic relations and re-open embassies. The effective date for re-establishment is July 20 when the Cuban government will re-open its embassy in Washington. 

“Today’s announcement that the U.S. will re-open its embassy in Cuba is a victory for American diplomacy and a strong step forward for all who are working to achieve modern, normal relations between our two countries,” Congressman McGovern said. “In 2015, Americans know it’s time to embrace a truly 21stcentury approach to foreign policy that leaves the Cold War behind. This historic action brings us one step closer to making that a reality.  

“By re-opening embassies in each other’s countries, we will be able to create new economic opportunities for American businesses, increase travel and exchanges, and support efforts to strengthen democratic reforms and human rights protections,” McGovern added. “I want to thank President Obama and Secretary Kerry, along with the two negotiating teams, for their leadership and work to make this happen. Today, the U.S. and Cuba are saying with one voice that we are ready to create a better future for our countries and our people. I look forward to seeing the U.S. flag waving proudly above our embassy in Havana later this month.”

In December 2014, when President Obama first announced the normalization of U.S. relations with Cuba, Congressman McGovern joined Secretary Kerry to welcome home Alan Gross, the American aid worker who was released from Cuba the same day.
