Kerry, Kirk, McGovern: Massachusetts 3rd Congressional District to Receive Direct Aid as Part of Omnibus Funding Bill

Senators John Kerry and Paul Kirk, together with Congressman James McGovern today announced that the Consolidated Appropriations Act of 2010 approved by Congress this week contains direct federal assistance for the 3rd Congressional District of Massachusetts.

Senator Kerry and Congressman McGovern were proud to work with Senator Kennedy in requesting these projects and are grateful to Senator Kirk for his help in securing the funding.

-This is jobs and economic development with investments in everything from transportation to health care, social services and education,- said Senator Kerry. -I'm proud to fight each year to secure federal funding for these initiatives that make a real local impact.-

-In our current economic crisis, worthy programs and facilities in the Commonwealth need all the support we can give them,- said Senator Paul G. Kirk, Jr. -I commend Senator Kerry and Congressman McGovern for their work in obtaining these federal funds for programs to help at-risk youths, keep our streets safer, and help our courageous veterans.-

-I'm proud to have worked closely with Senators Kerry and Kirk to deliver these important federal resources. These projects will create jobs, improve health care and education, and further the quality of life in our communities,- said Congressman James McGovern.

The Senate bill passed earlier today, and having passed the House of Representatives on Thursday, will now head to President Obama for his signature.

The following projects in the 3rd Congressional District are slated to receive funding:

Recipient: The College of the Holy Cross
Location: Worcester
Amount: $400,000
Project: The funding will be used for the College's At-Risk Youth Empowerment Initiative

Recipient: Assumption College
Location: Worcester
Amount: $100,000
Project: The funding will be used for educational equipment and information technology

Recipient: Bristol Community College
Location: Fall River
Amount: $100,000
Project: The funding will be used for job placement services for veterans

Recipient: UMass Memorial Health Care
Location: Worcester
Amount: $500,000
Project: The funding will be used for health information technology

Recipient: Massachusetts Manufacturing Extension Partnership
Location: Worcester
Amount: $250,000
Project: The funding will be used for the expansion of a workforce skills training program

Recipient: Dean College
Location: Franklin
Amount: $150,000
Project: The funding will be used for the Embedded Study Model Project to integrate academic support services into curricula, which may include equipment and technology.

Recipient: Family Health Centers
Location: Worcester
Amount: $250,000
Project: The funding will be used for facilities and equipment

Recipient: Massachusetts College of Pharmacy and Health Sciences
Location: Worcester
Amount: $400,000
Project: The funding will be used for health professions training

Recipient: Planning, design, and engineering for the Institute Park Renovation Project
Location: Worcester
Amount: $400,000
Project: The funding will be used for the park, which supports a number of major cultural, educational and musical events each year, and in 2007, the City of Worcester completed a community-endorsed Master Plan for improvements to this Park.

Recipient: Reconstruction and Rehabilitation of Route 109/Main Street
Location: Medway
Amount: $400,000
Project: The funding will be used to reconstruct Route 109 which will facilitate traffic, reduce the crash rate, and improve the overall safety of the road.

Recipient: Cherry Street Railroad Crossings Improvement Project
Location: Ashland
Amount: $600,000
Project: The funding will be used to improve the safety of the crossings, in addition to reducing the noise levels associated with the railroad traffic.

Recipient: Gang Prevention Through Targeted Outreach Program, Boys and Girls Club of Worcester
Location: Worcester
Amount: $350,000
Project: The funding will help the
The Boys & Girls Club of Worcester will provide the Gang Prevention Through Targeted Outreach Program (GPTTO) to at-risk-youth, ages 8 - 18, at all three of Clubhouse sites, all located in neighborhoods with a Community Disadvantage Index of 10 out of 10.

Recipient: Out-of-School Youth Intervention Program, My Turn Inc.,
Location: Brockton MA (for their Fall River campus)
Amount: $200,000
Project: This funding will allow the program to help young people reach a level of self-sufficiency that eliminates reliance on government assistance for basic goods and services. This funding request would go toward two ongoing programs in Fall River.