Kerry, Frank, and McGovern Applaud Announcement of Stimulus Funds for Local Transportation Projects

Senator John Kerry, Congressman Barney Frank, and Congressman Jim McGovern today hailed the announcement by the U.S. Department of Transportation that it would award $2.6 million to the Southeastern Regional Transit Authority (SRTA) and $200,000 to the Greater Attleboro-Taunton Regional Transit Authority (GATRTA).

Both grants, as well as four others awarded to other Massachusetts tranportation systems, were made possible by the American Recovery and Reinvestment Act of 2009, popularly known as the -stimulus bill.-

The grant to the SRTA will allow for the purchase of eight new buses for the transit system's fleet. The SRTA bus system serves New Bedford, Fall River, Dartmouth, Acushnet, Wesport, Somerset, Swansea and Mattapoisett.

The funds for the GATRTA will be used to replace or repair fencing at the Attleboro Commuter Rail Station, and will also continue renovation of the rail station.

-This transportation investment means jobs, jobs, and jobs on in Southeastern Massachusetts, and a long term dividend in less traffic congestion and modern infrastructure to get our products from here to there. It's good for the economy, good for struggling workers, good for our businesses, and good for our environment,- said Senator Kerry.

-Public transportation is very important economically, environmentally and socially,- said Congressman Frank. -These funds will bring both economic and environmental benefits to the area and also provide important services to our citizens. I welcome of these latest examples of good uses of the economic recovery funds.-

-I'm very pleased with this important funding,- Rep. McGovern said. -In order for us to compete in the 21st Century economy - in order to create the jobs of the future - we must have a safe, modern and environmentally-friendly transportation system.-

Kerry, Frank and McGovern all voted for the American Recovery and Reinvestment Act in February 2009. In the House, almost every Democrat voted in favor of the bill, while every single Republican voted against it. In the Senate, every Democratic voted in favor of the bill, while every Republican except three opposed it.

More information about these grants are attached.