Kerry, Brown & McGovern Announce Holden Fire Department to Receive $30,020

April 29, 2010

Senators John Kerry and Scott Brown, together with Congressman James McGovern today announced that the Holden Fire Department will receive $30,020 under the Department of Homeland Security's Assistance to Firefighters Grant program. The federal funding will be used for wildland firefighting equipment -- light-weight fire protection equipment for use during brush fires.

-This is a moral issue, pure and simple. Our firefighters put their lives on the line every day and we've got a fundamental responsibility to keep them as safe as possible. This investment will allow Chief John Chandler to upgrade equipment and enhance the department's ability to respond to emergency situations quickly and effectively,- said Senator Kerry.

-Every day, our hardworking firefighters risk their lives to keep our families and communities safe, and we owe it to them to provide the financial resources to keep them safe in their incredibly dangerous jobs. This funding is an important step in that direction, and I am pleased our firefighters will soon receive upgraded equipment that will allow them to better carry out their work,- said Senator Brown.

-This is good news for the Holden Fire Department,- Rep. McGovern said. -Homeland security starts with hometown security. I'm pleased that Chief Chandler and his team will be able to upgrade their equipment and better protect the citizens of Holden.-

-Without this equipment, firefighters would either wear their structural personal protective equipment - which is too hot and too heavy to use safely - or they would wear their street clothes, which don't provide adequate protection,- Chief Chandler said. -This equipment, which could not have been purchased without the help of the grant, will improve firefighter safety significantly during the brushfire season.-