U.S. Rep. McGovern: "This process has become a joke; it's an insult to the American people."

Mr. Speaker, this process has become a joke.

It is a disgrace.

It's an insult to the American people.

I would say to my friends on the other side of the aisle that now is the time to act like grownups. This is the time to put our country before your political party. This is the time put our country before the Tea Party. This is the time to do what's right.

Today you are bringing up the latest version of the so-called Reid plan under, not only a closed rule but under the most restrictive process we have in the House, usually reserved for non-controversial bills.

This is a $2 and half trillion bill brought up under the same process that you bring up bills naming post offices.-

20 minutes of debate; No amendments are allowed; we're not even allowed to offer a motion to recommit; to win you need a 2/3 supermajority.

Under this process, your own bill would have failed.

That's right, if your bill were brought up under this procedure, your bill would have lost.

The only bill we should consider on the House floor is one that has been agreed to by the House and Senate leaders and the President of the United States.

So why are we doing this today?

Let's be honest, you're doing it to score some cheap political points.

I would like to remind the Speaker of the House that he's the Speaker of not just the Republican Party - but that he's the Speaker of the whole House.

Now is the time to bring us together - not tear us apart.

Maybe the Reid bill is the one that can unite us - because it achieves tremendous savings without decimating Medicare, Medicaid, or Social Security.

But, Mr. Speaker, but to bring it up under this process is cynical and demeans the House of Representatives.

I would say to the Republican leadership - enough political stunts.

Our country is facing a terrible economic crisis - a crisis that you created and one that you can avoid.

But we've run out of time.

Now is the time for leadership - not bad political theater.

Now is the time to behave like legislators.

Please rise to the occasion.

The Reid bill is not the bill I would have written; its not a truly balanced approach that I would have hoped for. There are no revenues in this bill. But I think it's the best approach that is on the table right now and I'm willing to compromise.

So I will vote yes on this bill. I'm willing to put my country first.

I reserve the balance of my time.