McGovern, Rules Committee colleagues urge Rep. Dreier to take up Larson jobs legislation

The Honorable David Dreier
Committee on Rules
H-312 The Capitol
U.S. House of Representatives
Washington, DC 20515

Dear Chairman Dreier:

Creating jobs and revitalizing the economy is the number one priority facing this Congress and the American people. With nearly 14 million Americans needing our help, we cannot delay. We must come together in a bipartisan effort to get Americans back to work today. Neither party can do it alone- we must put aside our differences and act on legislation together to create jobs now.

The President has submitted his detailed proposal for job creation, which we hope the committees of jurisdiction will begin considering immediately. Also, the new Joint Select Committee on Deficit Reduction is beginning its work, and we hope they will recognize the vital connection between creating jobs and reducing the deficit for the long term.

The Rules Committee has an important role to play as well. Last week, our colleague, Democratic Caucus Chairman John Larson, introduced three pieces of legislation to refocus the agenda of Congress where it should be - on the creation of jobs. All three of these bills are within our committee's jurisdiction.

H.R. 2835, the -Joint Select Committee on Job Creation Act of 2011,-would establish a new joint select committee of Congress on job creation modeled on the Joint Select Committee on Deficit Reduction, with the same deadlines for legislative proposals and action.

H.R. 2836, the -Job Creation and Economic Growth Act,- would amend the Budget Control Act to require the existing joint committee on the deficit to develop a job creation plan in addition to the deficit reduction proposal, with the same deadlines.

H.R. 2837, the -Job Creation and Economic Growth Act,- would - like H.R. 2836 - amend the Budget Control Act to require the existing joint committee on the deficit to develop a job creation plan in addition to the deficit reduction proposal. It would also expand the joint committee to 16 members and create a job creation subcommittee.

Chairman Larson has proposed three different options to begin the work of job creation in this Congress. Given the bipartisan spirit in which the Joint Select Committee on Deficit Reduction has begun its work, there is little reason why similar approaches to address historic levels of unemployment should not receive the same support from the Rules Committee and every Member of Congress.

The legislation before us asks a simple question- will we begin the process of job creation in this Congress, or will the Majority choose to avoid solving the most pressing issue of our time?

We urge the Rules Committee to take quick action on the job creation legislation before our committee, and request that you schedule an original jurisdiction hearing and committee consideration of these bills immediately.

Louise M. Slaughter
James P. McGovern
Alcee L. Hastings
Jared Polis