McGovern joins Teamsters in urging Congress to stop dangerous increases in truck weight and size

Today, the Teamsters, the Truck Safety Coalition, U.S. Rep. Jim McGovern (D-MA) and representatives of several families who have suffered death and injury as a result of truck crashes, held a news conference marking the re-introduction of legislation that

Today, the Teamsters, the Truck Safety Coalition, U.S. Rep. Jim McGovern (D-MA) and representatives of several families who have suffered death and injury as a result of truck crashes, held a news conference marking the re-introduction of legislation that

McGovern joins Teamsters in urging Congress to stop dangerous increases in truck weight and size

Today, the Teamsters, the Truck Safety Coalition, U.S. Rep. Jim McGovern (D-MA) and representatives of several families who have suffered death and injury as a result of truck crashes, held a news conference marking the re-introduction of legislation that would prevent an increase in size and weight allowances for trucks.

-Corporate greed is the only thing driving the trucking industry to push reckless legislation that would put heavier and longer trucks on our highways,- said Jim Hoffa, Teamsters General President. -Our members travel the nation's highways every day and know fully the dangers of putting bigger trucks on a highway system already in disrepair. It makes no sense to cause further damage to our highways and bridges when Congress hasn't found a way to fund the much-needed repairs to our crumbling infrastructure.-

Currently, federal limitations on truck size and weight are enforced on interstate highways while states are allowed to set the limits on all other roads. The Safe Highways and Infrastructure Protection Act (SHIPA), sponsored by Sen. Frank R. Lautenberg (D-NJ) and Rep. Jim McGovern (D-MA), will be re-introduced today and will thwart efforts by some in Congress and at the Department of Transportation to seek further ways to circumvent these restrictions.

-The claim that fewer trucks will be an end-product of truck size and weight increases simply isn't true,- Hoffa said. -This is about safety and ensuring as safe a workplace for our driver members on the highways as anyone working on a factory floor.-