U.S. Rep. Jim McGovern statement on plan to cut $40 billion from the nutrition title

"Just when I think that House Republicans can’t get any more short-sighted or cruel, they pull a stunt like this."

Thursday August 01, 2013

“Just when I think that House Republicans can’t get any more short-sighted or cruel, they pull a stunt like this.  In an attempt to placate the most toxic, Tea Party elements of their conference, they have apparently decided to double down on the crazy.  To throw even more families off of the assistance they need.  To make hunger even worse than the terrible farm bill we defeated several weeks ago.  If House Republicans insist on moving forward with this awful proposal, I will fight it with every ounce of energy I can muster.  I urge people across the country to use the August recess to tell their members of Congress that $40 billion in SNAP cuts is absolutely unacceptable.”