Statement by Rep. McGovern on the recent election in El Salvador

It is very encouraging to see the strong participation by the Salvadoran people in last Sunday's presidential elections.

“It is very encouraging to see the strong participation by the Salvadoran people in last Sunday’s presidential elections.  I applaud their commitment to strengthening and consolidating El Salvador’s democratic future.  I particularly want to commend the Supreme Electoral Council (Tribunal Supremo Electoral) for carrying out and overseeing these elections, which all international observers have judged as orderly, peaceful, free and fair.  Given how close the vote was, I also commend the TSE for its professional approach towards confirming the results of the elections and calling upon all parties to demonstrate their own patience, calm and professionalism while awaiting the final results.  The TSE has announced the results of its review of the tally sheets, and we are awaiting its decision on the appeal that has been filed.  Along with the statements made by the U.S. Department of State, I pledge my own commitment to working with the next President of El Salvador to improve the lives and well-being of all the Salvadoran people.”