U.S. Rep. Jim McGovern End Hunger Now Speech: Government Can’t End Hunger Alone

Organizations like the Food Research and Action Center are Invaluable in the Fight to End Hunger Now

Ending hunger shouldn’t be a controversial thing. It shouldn’t be something that we ignore but, rather, a goal that we embrace. It’s something we can do if we muster the political will to do so.

M. Speaker, ending hunger shouldn’t be a controversial thing. It shouldn’t be something that we ignore but, rather, a goal that we embrace. Unlike ending war, ending hunger is an achievable goal. It’s something we can do if we muster the political will to do so.

Government – federal, state and local – will play a large role in ending hunger. The problem is too big – and too much a part of our basic values – for government institutions not to get involved.  We have already created the programs that will help us end hunger – SNAP, WIC, and school meals, just to name a few.  Many of these programs are underfunded and need to be responsibly updated for the twenty-first century.  The truth is that these programs do real good in our towns and communities, and they are working effectively and efficiently.

But government can’t do it alone. And that’s why I’m proud to stand with my friends in the anti-hunger community in support of their many efforts to end hunger. One such group doing fantastic work to end hunger now is the Food Research and Action Center, known as FRAC.

FRAC is a tremendous organization, but it’s not the typical group that first comes to mind when people think about anti-hunger organizations. FRAC is not a food bank or a food pantry. Run by my good friend Jim Weill, FRAC works with hundreds of national, state and local nonprofit organizations, public agencies, corporations and labor organizations to address hunger, food insecurity and their root cause, poverty.

FRAC conducts research to document the extent of hunger in America, its impact and effective solutions. It seeks improved federal, state and local public policies that will reduce hunger and undernutrition; monitors the implementation of laws and serves as a watchdog of programs.

FRAC provides coordination, training, technical assistance and support on nutrition and anti-poverty issues to a nationwide network of advocates, service providers, food banks, program administrators and participants, and policymakers. And lastly, FRAC conducts public information campaigns to help promote changes in attitude and policies.

FRAC helps frame the debate in Congress and state legislatures, educating elected officials and their staff; and they help implement anti-hunger programs at the local levels. FRAC does everything but literally hand food to hungry Americans. But the work they do has resulted in stronger programs and more eligible people receiving food assistance.

M. Speaker, the federal anti-hunger safety net is excellent but it’s not perfect. It’s vast but it’s not comprehensive. FRAC works with policymakers and government officials to make these programs better, to ensure that no hungry person is left without food. FRAC was a leader in our fight to save the Heat and Eat program in the recently enacted Farm Bill.  It has stood strong in the fight to ensure that everyone gets breakfast at school and food during the summer. And FRAC has also fought back on the anti-nutrition riders that House Republicans have attached to the Agriculture Appropriations bill.

FRAC has stood with me from day one of my End Hunger Now campaign. Like me, they believe that hunger is a political condition; that it is solvable. And FRAC has been invaluable in this fight. They have organized countless numbers of food stamp challenges, including the two food stamp challenges that I participated in. And they work with important local anti-hunger groups like Project Bread and The Massachusetts Law Reform Institute, along with the Northeast Regional Anti-hunger Network.

FRAC is one of the leaders in the fight to end hunger now. Every single person who works at FRAC is committed to a shared vision of a hunger-free America. Whether it’s working to expand the number of kids getting food during the summer or fighting against cuts to SNAP, the people who work for FRAC are doing everything they can to end hunger.

I want to commend Jim Weill and his team at FRAC for everything they do. Not only are they true professionals, they care about their work. I want to thank everyone at FRAC for fighting to End Hunger Now. We wouldn’t have made it this far without the leadership and action from the good people at FRAC.

I yield the balance of my time.