U.S. Rep. Jim Mcgovern (Ma02) Encourages Saudi King Salman to Protect Human Rights & Adopt Democratic Reforms

Today, Congressman Jim McGovern released a bipartisan letter signed by 67 Members of Congress to King Salman, the new King of Saudi Arabia, encouraging him to advocate for human rights and democratic reforms in his country.

Today, Congressman Jim McGovern released a bipartisan letter signed by 67 Members of Congress to King Salman, the new King of Saudi Arabia, encouraging him to advocate for human rights and democratic reforms in his country.

In a region that faces mounting unrest as the public demands more responsive governments, Saudi Arabia has an historic opportunity to lead by example. By ending its ban on women drivers, lifting restrictions on public gatherings and social media, reforming anti-terror laws that make criminals out of people who peacefully express criticism, ending torture, and allowing religious minorities to exercise their faiths, Saudi Arabia can set high expectations in the region for security, opportunity and the just treatment of peoples. The letter, coordinated by

Representatives McGovern (D-MA) and Peter Roskam (R-IL), also urges the King to cancel unjust prison sentences imposed on blogger Raif Badawi and his lawyer, Waleed Abu al-Khair, and to free them and other prisoners of conscience immediately and unconditionally.

“Taken together, these actions will clearly demonstrate to an expectant international audience that King Salman is committed to protecting human rights and advancing democratic reforms,” said McGovern.

You can read the full letter here.