McGovern Honors Service of Congressional Hunger Center Executive Director Ed Cooney

Today, Congressman Jim McGovern (MA-02), Chair of the Congressional Hunger Center (CHC), released the following statement honoring the service of Ed Cooney, who served as Executive Director of the CHC since February 2001 and is now retiring.

“Ed has served as executive director of the Congressional Hunger Center for over a decade – 14 years. I know many would agree that Ed has been an incredible teacher. We have all learned a lot from Ed. He is a leading expert on policies related to ending hunger. He knows every line of every bill. Every speech at every conference. Throughout his tireless service, Ed has been an incredible resource for all of us.

“Before Ed served at the Congressional Hunger Center, he held two senior positions at the United States Department of Agriculture as Deputy Administrator for Special Nutrition Programs and Special Assistant for Nutrition to USDA Secretary Dan Glickman. Throughout his career, Ed has worked with allied groups on every major children nutrition and Food Stamp (SNAP) bill since 1977. His viewpoint on nutrition program and policy issues is sought by key Congressional staff, the Executive branch of government and national anti-hunger organizations.

“But what makes Ed so effective is his passion. Knowing an issue is one thing, but being able to share why that issue is so important to you is vitally important to mobilizing others and making the real difference we all strive for.

“I’ve worked with Ed for many years now and I know that his heart aches when he sees that there are still children and families who are hungry in this country and across the world.

“Ed fights hard for some of the most vulnerable populations and I am so proud to call him my partner, my colleague, and my friend. Ed, you have made a lasting impact in the fight to end hunger and I know I speak for so many others when I say we are so grateful for all of your incredible work.”
