McGovern Joins 190 House Democrats in Demand for Clean Debt Ceiling Extension

Letter to Speaker Boehner released at Democratic Leadership press conference

With just eleven days remaining before a November 3 deadline for Congress to raise the debt ceiling to avoid a government default, Congressman Jim McGovern (D-MA), joined Democratic Leader Nancy Pelosi, Democratic Whip Steny Hoyer and Assistant Democratic Leader James Clyburn in calling for a clean extension of the debt ceiling. Click here to view the letter

“Congress will soon be faced with the question of raising the debt ceiling. The solvency of the federal government requires Congress to act in a timely fashion,” Congressman McGovern and House Democrats wrote in the letter. “Failing to do so will plunge the nation into default for the first time in American history, risking economic catastrophe. Raising the debt ceiling will ensure that America pays its bills for expenses already incurred, and does not authorize any new spending.”

In addition to Congressman McGovern, 190 Democrats signed the letter – led by Rep. Peter Welch (D-VT) – to House Speaker John Boehner which demands a vote on a clean extension of the debt ceiling so that America continues to pay its bills.  The letter reiterates that doing so will not authorize any new federal spending.

Click here to view the letter online. The text of the letter is below:

October 23, 2015 

The Honorable John Boehner 

Speaker of the House 

United States House of Representatives

H-232, The Capitol

Washington, DC 20515          

Dear Mr. Speaker,

Congress will soon be faced with the question of raising the debt ceiling. The solvency of the federal government requires Congress to act in a timely fashion. Failing to do so will plunge the nation into default for the first time in American history, risking economic catastrophe. Raising the debt ceiling will ensure that America pays its bills for expenses already incurred, and does not authorize any new spending.

When the House takes up this issue, we will support a clean extension of the debt ceiling which will allow America to continue to pay its bills as they come due.

We categorically reject the view that it would be acceptable for America to default if unrelated demands are not met. As you will recall, when this irresponsible tactic was employed in 2011, it cost the American taxpayer $19 billion in higher interest costs. 

